
Learn More About Hair Transplantation

Body Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation procedures require a good deal of hair density on the donor area, that’s for sure. A donor area is generally designated as the back of the head because most hair loss victims have enough hair follicles left on the back of their heads. Most candidates who do not have enough hair follicles at the back of their heads are not considered eligible for a real hair transplantation procedure like FUE or DHI. However, body hair transplantation can also be possible if your surgeon thinks you’re eligible for it.

Body hair transplantation means that your existing hair follicles from your body, especially from your chest is used for your hair transplantation procedure. Mostly from the chest area is designated as donor area and enough hair follicles from there are extracted for your recipient area.

There are different types of hair follicles on your body. For example, hair follicles from your chest are different than those on your scalp. These hair follicles stop growing after a fixed point. This is actually why candidates and surgeons do not prefer to get involved with body hair for hair transplantation procedures.

Besides, body hair can not be trusted because they are so likely to fall in time. You can see some people with a high hair density on their body lose the density in time because they are not formed by strong hair follicles.

Besides, it not certain that body hair will grow after a possible shock hair loss. Shock hair loss occurs some time after a hair transplantation procedure. Your immune system will attack the transplanted hair follicles. If they’re strong ones like those at the back of your head, they will be just fine.

However, hair follicles from your body parts may not be as strong as those. They may not completely grow back after a possible shock hair loss.

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