
Learn More About Hair Transplantation

How To Wash Hair Right After Hair Transplant Procedure?

Did you know that an inadequate aftercare period is linked to 99 percent of hair transplant failures? A hair transplant is a sensitive aesthetic procedure in which individual hair follicles from your scalp are removed and transplanted to the hairless area. Even the tiniest cuts might cause your scalp to become extremely painful. For this, during your recovery period, you must take the good possible care of your transplanted hair. When it comes to caring for the wounded scalp, the most important thing to remember is to wash your hair following a hair transplant. Here, what should you care about when you wash your hair after a hair transplant procedure.

First Wash After Surgery

You can do the first hair washing following hair transplantation three to four days following the procedure (based on the doctor’s recommendation). The goal of the first hair wash following hair transplantation is to wash the hair without injuring the hair follicles and moisturize the hair follicles to soften the scabs.

What should you pay attention to?

  • The trick to washing your hair after a hair transplant operation is to be careful with it. Any rubbing, touch with fingernails, or heavy trauma would be detrimental to your transplanted hair, and trust me when I say this. You’re not interested in it.
  • The shampoo is another important factor to consider. Your shampoo should be paraben-free and packed with naturally rejuvenating ingredients. When shampooing your hair, always touch your grafts gently and slide your fingers along a vertical plane, never rubbing on them sideways or in a circular motion. Remember, no massaging!
  • After around day 13, you should be able to gently massage your hair to help shed any crusting leftover from the healing process.
  • The best time to wash your hair after hair transplant surgery varies from person to person. When you may rewash your hair after surgery, your surgeon will tell you. However, the best time is normally 3 to 4 days after surgery.

You can get more information about the aftercare procedure of hair transplant procedure by filling out the form above.

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