
Learn More About Hair Transplantation

Hair Transplant Did Not Last

Most people can not get the right aesthetic procedures for some reason. The money is the most important factor for some people when it comes to getting an aesthetic procedure. People may not have enough money to afford an aesthetic procedure like hair transplants in their country. So they may want to visit other countries as tourists. However, bad-minded people are everywhere and this should not be associated with the procedures’ price. There are a couple of cases in which hair transplant did not last. But the reason behind the hair transplant failure could be anything.

One should find out the real reason behind his hair loss first. For example, if you are experiencing hair loss because of a medical treatment that includes strong chemicals like chemotherapy, a hair transplant procedure will not help you. This is where you should be extra careful because you would not want to lose all the hair extracted from your donor area as well

Best After Hair Transplant Care

After you have been qualified a good candidate for a hair transplant and received your procedure, there are certain things that you should do during your recovery time. Your scalp will definitely try to attack your new hair follicles on your recipient area. This is a normal thing so you don’t be scared. Because of this attack, your hair strands will fall out but they will grow again.

The best care requires the best patience. You should give a break to your sex life for at least two weeks. You are not also allowed to wash your hair for 5 days. The best thing that should be done during the first week of the recovery is to stay at home. You will be just fine if you stay at home and avoid sun lights. Sunlight will deteriorate your hair transplant and may fail it. If you would like to go outside anyway, you should wear a hat to protect your scalp from sunlight.

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