
Learn More About Hair Transplantation

Haircare After Hair Transplant Tips

If you recently had a hair transplant procedure and do not know what to do, you can start with following the things that your surgeon told you. Almost every hair transplant patient is impatient about the post-surgery growth of their hair. However, they already know that the scalp will need months to recover the new hair strands. There are tens of haircare after hair transplant tips and we would like to tell you more about such essential things in our post.

Don’t touch your hair!!

You should not touch your hair during the first days of recovery. Since your scalp is still healing from its wounds, it’s very sensitive and vulnerable to such interruptions. The microchannels are individual wounds on your scalp and need some time to recover.

If you scratch or pull your hair, you may cause terrible complications on your scalp. You would not want to suffer from possible infection or swelling on your scalp just because of a small itching over your scalp. You need to be patient because hair transplantation recovery requires patience.

Stay Home

If you do not have to do anything outside, it’ for your own good to stay home. You would not want to suffer from complications caused by sunlight because sunlight exposure will interfere with your wounded hair follicle channels and may force you to sweat.

Sweating can be very dangerous and may lead to infections and other serious complications. If you do not want any trouble during your recovery, you should stay home and limit your movements because intense body movement may cause swelling over your hair transplantation area as well.

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